How Do You Eat An Elephant?

One bite at a time.

Hello and welcome to another blog post! Today I’ll be giving an update on two projects that are just getting under way. The phrase in the title is one that I like to remind myself of when embarking on any particularly large project. I find it rather easy to get overwhelmed by the long list of smaller items needed to reach the final goal. Once overwhelmed, it is very difficult to motivate myself to even get started. 

Like when you have a giant log pile to axe through…

So what do we do? We take it one bite (or log) at a time 🙂

I was also reminded how absurdly hot and humid it can get on the homestead during the summer. Namely July is particularly bad, and it seems to get a lot worse when there is a bunch of vegetation around. Even though we cleared an acre of trees, the grass has quickly taken over, and makes it feel like you are walking around in a bowl of soup. It makes it really hard to cool yourself when your sweat cannot evaporate 😀 I suppose most of this work will need to wait until September/October/November. Here’s hoping the weather this fall will cooperate!!

The second project update is with regards to building the main house. What makes this project exceptionally daunting is the fact that there are so many unknowns. I understand in general terms what I will need to get done, but within all those milestones (getting the septic system planned, receiving the building permit, building a house, etc.) are a lot of little tasks. 

So what do we do? We take it one bite at a time. You’re seeing a trend here right? 😀

I took the first bite out of the house building a while ago, but since I am terrible at getting these posts out it has been delayed a little in getting to you. Sorry not sorry 😀 Back in June I met with a local contractor that will install our septic system. We walked the property together and talked about options for the house and septic system. He came back at a later date to dig some holes for information gathering which allowed him to complete a full septic system plan. This is important because I definitely cannot get a building permit without the plan. 

The second major milestone for the main house was accomplished last week. Last Friday we met with a general contractor in the area to discuss options for using a modular or manufactured house instead of a log cabin. The original plan was for me to build our main house as a log cabin just as I will do with the guest house. There are a lot of reasons for the change which will be discussed in a future post where I will go into more detail, but for now the main reason for the switch is time. Having someone else build the house will greatly reduce the time needed for us to be able to move up there. It will also give me a lot of good experience watching professionals, so that I am a little more prepared when I build the guest cabin.

That’s about it for now, but I have a few posts currently in the works that I am hoping to get out to you in the next couple of weeks.

Take care and good luck with your big projects!!

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