Our Pain Is Your Gain!

First things first I am very sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything new. Life has decided to give us a dump truck full of lemons and we are doing our best to make lemonade ๐Ÿ˜€

One of the unfortunate events that has taken place is our dog Archer (the inspiration for the homestead) tore his ACL. He has had some issues in the past with that knee, and at the beginning of May he really broke himself ๐Ÿ™ We are working to get surgery scheduled for him, and after the surgery he will have somewhere between 6-12 weeks of significantly reduced physical activity. And that is where you benefit! I will be spending most days hanging out with him to make sure he does not do any damage to the repaired knee. With all this extra time I have made it a goal to get more posts on the blog. Below are the topics that I plan to write about.

  • Update on our house plans
  • Update on the acorn trees/flour
  • Building the outhouse
  • A neat experience I had inheriting and cleaning some of my grandpaโ€™s tools
  • Showing our growing setup for the seedlings in our garden
  • Random thoughts on life and early retirement

If there are any questions you have or updates you would like to see please leave a comment below! Thanks for stopping by and sorry again for the lack of posts. Hopefully I can feed your hunger very soon ๐Ÿ™‚

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