Hello and welcome to another post about building something! My favorite moments in life are when you have a series of roadblocks/problems, and you ‘solve’ them by combining them together with some unconventional thinking. My first experience with this was when I learned about the catacombs under Paris. Long story short, the city had a…
All posts by Archerland
Let’s Build An Indoor Herb Garden!
Hello and welcome to another blog post about building stuff! I like building things and writing about the stuff I’ve built. I’m assuming most readers of this blog enjoy learning about the things I’ve built (at least compared to other topics I write about), so let’s keep this rolling until I hear otherwise! Cooking has…
Let’s Build A Hand Washing Station!
Hello and welcome to another blog post about building things! The project is actually to build a rain catchment/solar water heater/hand washing station, but that title was just too long 😊 We are at an exciting point in the homestead/blog journey in that I’ve given updates on all the big projects that were completed before…
Milestone (Flashback) Post – I Built An Outhouse!
And I’m super proud of it! 😁 Technically I built this back in 2021-2022, but I am still pretty impressed by what I was able to do on my first try. It’s always nice to exceed your own expectations from time to time 😊 I’ve mentioned this building in the past, and this post will…
We All Sprout At Different Times (FIRE Resources)
First things first I need to once again apologize. This post is a follow up to the ‘let’s (attempt to) grow a tree together part II’ that I posted back in October of last year. I’ve had it mostly written for a while now…but just never got around to finishing it. Sorry for the cliffhanger…
Pivot! Part III
Now that we had decided to have someone else build the house our focus could change. I no longer needed to work on the log piles, but instead needed to focus on selecting a house/builder. I also would be responsible for the administrative side (permits and other assorted paperwork) which I have found out can…
Pivot! Part II
Hello and welcome back for part two of our current timing/housing plans! Part one ended with me switching plans for the outhouse and completing it. Now I needed to start taking down trees so I had space (and logs) to build the cabin. Let’s hop into the post and I hope you enjoy! I didn’t…
Pivot! Part I
The older I get the more I have come to appreciate flexibility in life. Having a go with the flow type of mentality has a lot of advantages. Don’t get me wrong, I am a planner at heart. Rarely do I jump into a situation without a plan in place. What I have found, however,…
Our Pain Is Your Gain!
First things first I am very sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything new. Life has decided to give us a dump truck full of lemons and we are doing our best to make lemonade 😀 One of the unfortunate events that has taken place is our dog Archer (the inspiration…
Acorn Flour
So I finally got around to finishing the acorn flour! There was a little delay while I purchased some cheesecloth, but most of the delay was me just plain forgetting to work on it 😀 When I left off I had ground the acorns to coarse sized particles and soaked them in water in the…