Hello and welcome to another post about building something! My favorite moments in life are when you have a series of roadblocks/problems, and you ‘solve’ them by combining them together with some unconventional thinking. My first experience with this was when I learned about the catacombs under Paris. Long story short, the city had a…
All posts in Food
Let’s Build An Indoor Herb Garden!
Hello and welcome to another blog post about building stuff! I like building things and writing about the stuff I’ve built. I’m assuming most readers of this blog enjoy learning about the things I’ve built (at least compared to other topics I write about), so let’s keep this rolling until I hear otherwise! Cooking has…
Acorn Flour
So I finally got around to finishing the acorn flour! There was a little delay while I purchased some cheesecloth, but most of the delay was me just plain forgetting to work on it 😀 When I left off I had ground the acorns to coarse sized particles and soaked them in water in the…
Lazy Garden Building
Hello and welcome to a post about building our future garden! I’m going to take a little bit of a break from my recent run of posts regarding acorns (hey they only come every couple of years, so one has to work with the bounty when it’s given :D), but don’t worry I will return…
Let’s Have Fun With Acorns!
Hello and welcome to another blog post about oak trees and acorns! Not only did I learn this year that our oak trees drop acorns, but I was lucky enough to be up on the homestead when one of our oak trees decided to drop a large amount of acorns. I had intended to only…